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Monday, June 18, 2012

Politicians Exploiting Religious Prejudice With 9-11 Mosque Issue

La mayoría de los estadounidenses, basado en encuestas recientes, se opone a la construcción de un nuevo centro comunidad islámica, de Park51, en la ciudad de Nueva York porque contiene una mezquita. Comprendo y simpatizar con este punto de vista. La mezquita es cercana a cero y miles perdieron la vida a dos cuadras de los extremistas islámicos.
Toda persona tiene derecho a sentir lo que quieren sobre esta situación. Estoy seguro de que la mayoría de ustedes estarán de acuerdo que no todos los musulmanes son terroristas. Pero la realidad es que es la única manera posible que cualquiera podría ofendido por una mezquita pacífica si de alguna manera equiparen la toda religión del Islam con el terrorismo. Si bien somos todos simpatía a las víctimas y familias devastadas por el 9/11, simpatía nunca es una excusa para la intolerancia y los prejuicios.
Los opositores originales de la mezquita, después de todo, fueron bloggers radicales que están contra el Islam en general. Tienen nombres como detener la islamización de América y Jihad Watch. Estos grupos efectivamente cambian "centro comunitario de Park51" en "mezquita de 9/11". Como si esto no fuera lo suficientemente loco, los principales políticos y expertos como Sarah Palin y Rudy Giuliani han dado a los opositores mezquita credibilidad usando el discurso de odio para ganar votos.
El Islam es fundamentalmente Pacífico. El Corán dice claramente que la vida de otro ser humano es contra la voluntad de Alá (National Geographic, 25/09/2001). Pero cualquier religión pacífica puede ser reinterpretada para promover la violencia. Los cristianos han muerto en nombre de Dios durante las cruzadas y la Inquisición española. Grupos terroristas judíos en Israel han llevado a cabo ataques contra los árabes en la Ribera Occidental. El Klu Klan Klan afirma en su sitio Web que es "un mensaje de esperanza y liberación para llevar blanco de Christian de América."
No musulmanes estadounidenses deben aprender a reconocer que no hay más que ver con el Islam corriente principal de la Iglesia Bautista de Westboro tiene que ver con el cristianismo mainstream terroristas islámicos. El Islam es una parte de este país y por lo tanto es tolerancia religiosa. Después de todo, nuestras colonias americanas, fueron fundados por puritanos y cuáqueros que buscan la libertad religiosa. Washington él mismo escribió a la congregación hebrea en Newport, Rhode Island, que nuestro Gobierno "no da al fanatismo facciones, persecución sin asistencia". Jefferson Lee la Biblia y el Corán.
Los políticos que utilizan los prejuicios religiosos para su ventaja deberían avergonzarse de sí mismos. Expertos como Rush Limbaugh han utilizado términos como "Obama Osama" para convencer a los estadounidenses que Obama Presidente es un musulmán y, por tanto, mal. Esta es la historia que se repite. Oponentes de Lincoln difusión rumores que él era católico. Oponentes del FDR lo llamaban un judío.
El proyecto de Park51 ha proporcionado los políticos con otra poderosa palanca para utilizar odian ganar votos. Sin gurús deliberadamente encendiendo el debate, un centro de comunidad musulmana claramente no sería un problema. Después de todo, hay otras mezquitas en la misma zona (, 02/08/2010) y cualquier número de bloques puede considerarse "demasiado cerca de cero". Si la mezquita fueron cinco, diez o veinte cuadras podemos estar seguros de que todavía se hará en un problema.
El costo del uso de odio para beneficio político es un creciente sentimiento antimusulmán en todo el país. En Temecula, California el Centro Islámico había intentado construir una mezquita para reemplazar el almacén habían estado orando en. El 30 de julio se congregaron los conservadores locales contra ellos con carteles tales como "No más mezquitas en América". (Time Magazine, 21/08/2010) El Pastor de la Iglesia Bautista local criticó la mezquita como un imán para las creencias islámicas intolerantes. Y dentro de los últimos días, un taxista musulmán fue apuñalado en la ciudad de Nueva York - probablemente debido a los prejuicios inflamados creados por el debate de la mezquita.
Newt Gingrich, entretanto, ha comparado el proyecto Park51 para agregar un símbolo Nazi a un memorial del Holocausto. ¿Le gustaría preguntar Sr. Gingrich quien es el verdadero Nazi - el hombre que se levanta para tolerancia religiosa o el hombre que persigue una etnia para conseguir votos para su partido? Nuestro Presidente no podría ser popular ahora, pero al menos puede ir a dormir tranquilo sabiendo que se negó a hundir a nivel del Sr. Gingrich.
Espero que nosotros, como los estadounidenses abrazar los valores de nuestro país y nuestra historia de tolerancia religiosa en lugar de dar en perjuicio. Espero que los políticos que han explotado este tema para ganar votos serán impulsados fuera de oficina. El 9/11 terroristas nos golpeó, pero lograron destruir los valores y la integridad de nuestra nación. No deberíamos permitir que los políticos codiciosos intervenir para destruir lo que el terrorismo no podía.

To Mosque on Or Around Ground Zero, From the Meaning to Hype Associated With It!

En el corazón de la exageración, en medio del marco constitucional de nosotros, más allá de las emociones desgarrador prevalentes asociadas a las víctimas y las circunstancias, 9/11, una cosa queda evidente, al menos abiertamente, oficialmente, sin rodeos Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf y su grupo llamado la mezquita de Córdoba, declarando "el período entre aproximadamente 800 y 1200 CE, cuando el Califato de Córdoba gobernó gran parte de la España de hoyy su nombre nos recuerda que los musulmanes crean lo que fue en su época, una sociedad más ilustrada, pluralista y tolerante en la tierra. "
En el Islam también simbolismo lleva mucho de su supuesta emocional, espiritual y moral densidad... una llamada a la verdad, la realidad y la bendición... En otras palabras, refiriéndose a la pregunta anterior, "¿cuál es el significado exacto de"mezquita"?...
Dos formas de entender las respuestas a esta pregunta:
1. Quienes analizar e interpretar desde el interior: Islam, la religión revelada final para la humanidad y nos seguidores por convicción, consulte la mezquita como lugar de culto en la paz y el amor mutuo independientemente de la raza y credo; y lamentablemente
2. Los que estigmatizan y deducir desde el exterior con mucho más inclinada y revestimiento hacia equiparar el Islam convencional con un enfoque alcanzarán al fundamentalismo... dibujo de noticias sensuales y fobia duplicado con miedo traficando tácticas a una religión que es llamada en árabe palabras como paz!
Recuerde: en el Islam también simbolismo lleva mucho de su supuesta emocional, espiritual y moral densidad... una llamada a la verdad, la realidad y la bendición...
De las dos respuestas dependiendo de donde elegimos a presentarse, podemos ver la mezquita como un componente de curación a través de uno de los más altamente humano abrazar ideales de la nación de justicia social, sabiduría, valentía y libertad de elección como nunca antes descritas y garantizados por la primera enmienda (uno de los símbolos culturales y normativos fundamentales de la nación).
Todos el sesgo mediático en juego, hasta la fecha, tienden a hacer mal para nada que no las opciones de los grupos de interés o una supuesta ética estadounidense y sueño... que es la cultura de la esclavitud que es responsable de tal una faceta de los medios de comunicación en los Estados Unidos...
Es probable que si no positivamente es repetido por algunos icono de noticias y, a continuación, es equivocada y carente de validez... Uno mismo (que es como duro apuesto) separándose ese disparate de sesgo mediático sólo puede ayudar a entender el verdadero significado de la mezquita por locales de cero... Una respuesta trascendental del Islam a una época turbulenta de nuestros recuerdos en un nuevo día del perdón y la curación... Amén.

Will The Muslim Mosque At 9/11 Site Promote Religion Or Terrorism?

Obama Is advocating Muslim practices?
I'm with President Obama on the question of the ground zero mosque. Our country stands for freedom to practice religion. And that freedom includes the right to build religious structure in the United States.
I also agree with those who say that the mosque should not be so close to the site of that extraordinary American disaster. But then we can get into the debate about how close is too close to the World Trade Center site. In the United States legal system, you're innocent until proven guilty. We cannot enforce laws based on motive. We cannot know what's in the minds and hearts of any given person or group. We can only suspect.
Should we fear Muslims?
There is plenty of reason to suspect and fear the Muslim mindset. There is a reason why most of the terrorist are Islamic. The Quran and Sharia law have some disturbing tenants. Yes the case can be made that Islam is a religion of peace based on passages in the Koran. But other passages very clearly promote violence and the spread of Sharia law by any means necessary. That's the jihad or struggle that the terrorists advocate.
Unlike other immigrants, the Muslims do not assimilate into society. Non-Muslims coming to the United States are grateful for the religious and quietly practice their religions freedom. Muslims in non-muslim countries endeavor to get the laws changed to accommodate Muslim practices. So one fear is the culture changes that the Islamic presence merger. Americans were shocked by the headline "New Jersey Judge Rules Islamic Sharia Law Trumps U.S. Law". In a bit of journalistic double talk, New York governor David Patterson was said to be advocating Shariah Law since have offered state property to the muslims group building the mosque. Not only did Patterson offer the land, but Moslems have gave Moslems to favored status that is not offered to Christian groups.
One disturbing fact that came out of the 9/11 tragedy investigation was that a number of the perpetrators were educated and trained in the United States with skills used to attack the USA. So another fear is that the Moslem community center, dubbed mosque, would become a terrorist training center. But that could be said for any Moslem building, whether at ground zero or not.
Yes, Obama President has been on a quest to apologize to and placate the Muslim world. But he is the president of the United States. And, he is to Christian and Christianity advocates peace, love, tolerance and forgiveness. President Obama advocates freedom and peace. Peace loving Muslims say it is a misinterpretation of the Quran to use the term "jihad" to mean to violent, or armed struggle against non-believers, i.e. infidels. Nevertheless, there is cause to be concerned about the jihadist threat.  Radical Islam embrace the violence.
How Radical Are The Ground Zero Mosque Muslims?
How radical these Muslims are would be interesting to know. And who is funding and supporting the building? Is it Al Qaeda? Do does homeland security or other intelligence agencies have any facts to support the fear that the mosque would be promoting terrorism? If not, in the words of Martin Luther King Jr.: "Let freedom ring". We need to let them build.

The Ground Zero Mosque - A Waiter and $4.8 Million Dollars

Known elitist, Mayor Bloomberg wholeheartedly gave the go-ahead for the Ground Zero mosque. It's easy to figure out the liberal mind. Their minds are so full of mushiness. Thinking is out when common sense issues arise. Their practice of "tolerance and diversity" will once again attack the hearts of people who lost loved ones from terrorism. This time it's the people of New York City and countless others who lost loved ones in the World Trade Center attacks of 9/11. The families of the Fort Hood victims are presently being shoved aside in the name of "fairness" for implanted terrorist, Nidal Hasan. Nidal Hasan was shuffled along for years in the US Army while high ranking officials relayed messages to ignore his behavior. This went on for years until Maj. Hasan murdered 13 Fort Hood Army soldiers on November 5, 2009. They were afraid of "offending him". Hasan is still being issued paychecks from the US government while I waits for trial. This should outrage any American.
You mosques are built to denote "victories" and "Islamic supremacy".
AP Photo The mosque at Ground Zero will be a clear victory for Islamic terrorists across the world and an outright assault on the families of terror victims.
Whether the Bari mosque in India, the Fethiye Camii in Turkey, the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus, the Qutub Minar in Afghanistan, the Asqa Mosque in the Hague (formerly to Synagogue), and of course all in Israel: The A the Asqa Mosque / al - Haram ash-Sharif, the Mosque in the Tomb of the Patriarchs, the mosque attached to the Rambam shul'gina (Hurva), to name just a few well known examples (and there are plenty more examples from all around the world).This practice started when Muhammad conquered Mecca in the year 630 and converted the ka'aba into a central Islamic site.
Who is Sharif El-Gamal?
Sharif El-Gamal was a waiter back in 2002 and now the CEO of SoHo Properties which is an all Muslim real estate company formed in 2003. Sharif El-Gamal first took interest in the Ground Zero mosque site back in 2006. His partners include Sammy El-Gamal and Nour Mousa who is nephew of Amr Moussa. So here's the connection... AMR Mohammed Moussa is in charge of the Arab League and helped facilitate the Doha Agreement in March, 2008. This agreement was made between Lebanese political factions and shifted power in favor of the terrorist group Hezbolla. Amr Moussa travelled to Gaza in June, 2010 to demand the Gaza blockade be lifted. He was also the first important Arab leader to show support for Hamas in Gaza.
Shariff El-Gamal purchased 45-47 Park Place in Lower Manhattan for just under $5,000,000. It was formerly owned by widow of owner, Stephen Pomerantz. She sold the property to El-Gamel out of desperation to pay debts. She never knew he was planning to mosque. El-Gamel made another pricey purchase back in November, 2009. It's an office building on 31 West 27th Street with a price tag of $45.7 million. El-Gamal said the property has long term leases. Other motives for this huge purchase remain to be proven.
The money trail leads somewhere...
How does an Egyptian named Shariff El-Gamal go from waiter to multimillion dollar CEO and real estate investor? Obama our Justice Department will likely ignore it until we have an administration who respects the American people. More Bloomberg said "it would be un-American to investigate to mosque". Former Rep. Rick Lazio said "This is not about religion, it's about this particular mosque called the Cordoba Mosque, and it's about it being at ground zero." "It's about it being spearheaded by an imam who has associated himself with radical Islamic causes and has made comments that should chill every single American, frankly." And chairman of the Imam mosque project, Feisal Abdul Rauf has refused to denounce the terrorist group Hamas. In a 60 Minutes interview that aired on September 30, 2001, Rauf said "the 9/11 attacks were part of a larger Islamic reaction against the U.S. government politically". He said "The United States policies were an accessory to the crime that happened." Well Rauf, this must also apply to the countless attacks around the world. In 1990 Feisal Abdul Rauf opened to mosque in lower Manhattan. Seven years later, I have established the American Society for Muslim Advancement (asthma), New-York based nonprofit organization which has been run by Rauf's wife, Daisy Khan. Rauf is a permanent trustee of an Islamic Cultural Center (ICC). After 9/11 the ICC employed Imam Sheik Muhammad Gemeaha, who later said that "only the Jews" could have perpetrated the 9/11 attacks; that if Americans only knew about this Jewish culpability, "they would have done to Jews what Hitler did"
The terror ties to this mosque project are undeniable, but our comfy, cozy, kumbya liberals will house "fairness and inclusiveness". El-Gamal is nothing more than a pawn for Islamic supremacy and the terror networks behind this mosque. SoHo Properties Is another vehicle to buy up property in NY by Islamic radicals? Millions of dollars used for El-Gamal's purchases are in question, but not by our own government.
Zead Ramadan, The president of the NY chapter of C.A.I.R., said Islam is "to religion of peace and justice." C.A.I.R. is the same organization that joined the Muslim American Society (MAS) and the Answer Coalition to defend "The Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development", which was shut down by the Federal government. The charities founders and fundraisers were found guilty for funneling $12,000,000 to terror group, Hamas.
Ones who preach "religious tolerance" are actually the most intolerant of others. Let's face it! It'll be a cold day in hell before we can build a Synogod or Church in Mecca!

James Hiden is the CEO of Hiden Media Group LLC and creator of [] Slunged is a media outlet dedicated to world events and stories out of the mainstream, which reflect moral, political and social issues in society today. The official Slunged Blog is [] "Repercussions from Hell on Earth" is a blog of writers from around the world. Slunged offers invitations to extraordinary political and social events taking place throughout the world.

Not Another Ground Zero Mosque Story

Everyone & their brother is writing or talking about the Ground Zero Mosque. It shouldn't be built on the 9/11 site. It is an insult to the dead Americans. How could one propose such a thing. I agree with those sentiments. Instead of further discussion of the site we should be discussing the who & why of the project. That will give us more insight into the where.
In this case, the where & why are intertwined. So why the ground zero site, really. In short, minimalist. Minimalist or victory over the infidel. That'd be us. Throughout history, Muslims have built mosques over the sacred places of their conquered foes to show the enemy the superiority of Islam. St Sophia's Basilica in Istanbul, Turkey (then Constantinople) was converted to to mosque by the Ottoman Empire. The Al-Aqsa mosque was built on top of the temple mount in Jerusalem. Then there's the Cordoba House. Ring a bell? That's what they wish to call the ground zero mosque. The first Cordoba house originated around 785 AD (date are iffy). The Muslims of North Africa conquered much of Spain. They desecrated Christian church & replaced it with the world's third largest mosque until the Spanish recaptured it around 1236 AD. It was great fun then as it still is now being a non-muslim under the Cordoba Caliphate. You can accept a second-class citizenship & pay the tax accordingly. You may convert to Islam, or you may die. Sounds just like America. I knew we had a lot in common.
Well, you say. That's all ancient history. The reason it hasn't happened in modern times is that Muslim nations have been controlled too inept to conquer anyone with an army.
Now, what about the who? The who would be the Imam Feisel Abdul Rauf. Who is this guy? The great peacemaker who just wants to bridge the gap between Islam & everyone else? I rather doubt it. I've been asked and refuses to classify Hamas, Hezbollah & the Muslim Brotherhood as terrorists. Heck, even our government has done that. I have also claimed that we are at least partly to blame for 9/11 & that we created Bin Laden. What a guy. He is a big wheel in the Perdana Global Peace Organization. Ah, peace. Sounds nice. Perdana was the largest donor of the Free Gaza movement. Free them from what? They're already controlled by Hamas. And don't say from Hamas. The patsies & the rogue countries would rather them then under the control of Israel... Always remember, you can't side with Israel (on anything) & still be enlightened. Anyway, They sponsored the recent flotilla. Recall the little spat between them & the Israelis. That was a total setup from the start. It was always to force Israel into a public relations fight Israel couldn't win. That's a very abbreviated background of Rauf. There's much more, but maybe another time. In my opinion, this is not a good guy. Oh, by the way, Rauf wrote a book in 2004. It had 2 names. One titled in English & the other in Arabic. The English version was Titled, "What's right with America is what's right with Islam." That sounds nice. The Arabic version was titled, "The call from the WTC (World Trade Center) Rubble: Islamic Da'wah from the heart of America post-9/11." Da'wah in conjunction with Islam means "Inviting to the way of submission and surrender to Allah, or sharing the message of Islam."
We've covered the who & why. What about the how? That's simple.
Political Correctness. Although most Americans are decent right thinking people, it seems most of our political leaders are chumps. They'll bend over backwards to please a small portion of our society, leaving the rest of us hung out to dry. See, that was easy.
Now for a little wrinkle. (I can't help myself). Rauf has an Obama connection. Can't be, you say! (I can already here the wailing). Well, that connection has a name. Eboo Patel. He is one of Obama's religious advisors. In short, Patel is more than just a passing acquaintance. I've been to Rauf's home where they discussed the renewal of Islam in America as have recounts is his own 2007 book.
Last but not least, to theory. Bait & Switch. Here's how it goes. The Imam insists the building site be at ground zero. There's the expected uproar against it. Some people (useful idiots) defend the proposal. Most reversal it. The typical back & forth ensues. Someone suggests an alternative site. That's rejected. After more outrage from the general public some other politician says we'll even give you the property & maybe even finance the building if you'll just consider relocating. finally Rauf comes out as says, "For the good of America & the Muslims we have agreed to relocate." Everyone cheers him & they get the thing built. No one pays any mind to what will go on there cares or thereafter. Crisis averted!

The challenge of Islamic finance in Hong Kong

"How enforcement of Sharia?" I touched on the challenges that Hong Kong government faces in trying to implement the changes required to set aside the playing field between financial products and alternatives presented by shreds of Islamic finance. As experience in the United Kingdom is a valuable example of absolute potential and growth of this niche offering financial services.

The British government made the establishment commendable fiscal and regulatory framework for Islamic finance in the UK with a primary focus in 2003. Since then, the UK government has accomplished the following:

o In 2003 eliminated the double taxation on Islamic mortgages and Islamic mortgages extended tax breaks for businesses and individuals.
or as a financial center of London shouting became softer and trade sukuk, Islamic bonds, ie by reforming the arrangements for the issuance of bonds for income and payments may be treated as if they were flowers.
or UK financial services surveillance, the Financial Services Authority's initiative to introduce regulations to ensure that the treatment of Islamic finance, in accordance with the objectives and general principles of law.

The British government even considered issuing bonds and Islamic retail banking products offered through national savings and investment and conduct appropriate studies. Although it was announced in November 2008 which currently does not offer value for money, the government confirmed that it will closely monitor the situation. At the same time, the British government decided to encourage the development of Islamic finance while ensuring that old and alternative financing are treated equally. The focus is on identifying existing barriers in the market and use the law to ensure that Islamic products can be offered and can compete on equal footing with the most ancient form of finance. A special effort has been made to ensure that the existing tax and regulatory systems in the United Kingdom does not distort the market for investors who want to invest in other products.

With this result, proactive and future-oriented close by the British government can be seen by the results achieved so far. To date, offering Islamic products in the UK include:

Five or totally Islamic bank. Provide an additional 17 through the Sharia "Islamic windows", where they can offer their expertise in Islamic finance for businesses and community members. This is more than any other non-Muslim countries.
o The London Stock Exchange has included a total of 18 sukuk issues, which raised U.S. $ 10 million. That is only surpassed by the Nasdaq Dubai.
or exchange traded funds total of seven according to the sharia, the four launched in the year 2008 alone. Additionally, in 2008 the addition of two new equity funds launched.
o In the case of non-banking products, the first company to offer Islamic insurance, known as takaful, a British official citizen in 2008.
o Support the development of Islamic law 18 financial firms that provide push Islamic finance. In addition, the four major professional services firms providing financial advisory services to Islam.
o Provide educational assistance for over 50 Islamic financial institutions offer an important product of education and training. This is significantly more than other countries around the world.

Let me expose my call to the Financial Secretary, John Tsang. Please, Mr Tsang, be brave, and lifted the fall. implement the necessary legislation as soon as possible. You will not only raise the profile of Hong Kong as a world financial center, but also establish a number of fundamental new jobs, employment in the financial services industry in Hong Kong in desperate need. just in case you need advice on any additional changes are required, a number of local experts who can point residents in the direction of the show. Also, my email address is also displayed in the bottom of this article, and I would be very happy just to sit down and discuss this in more detail with you. Financial services industry and professional support services such as accounting and law, will thank you!

This is a tough act to follow for the government of Hong Kong. Not only because they have to compete with precise rules and solid platforms that the British government has offered, but the British have a head start year six. England has done a respectable job in obtaining the residence as anIslamic finance center in Key West. Given the potential, in particular, East Asia, I hope that the governments of Hong Kong in accordance motivated to build a major change in the context of Hong Kong, as well as moral standards y. 

Meaning of Ramadan Fasting

This means abstaining from eating and drinking, and from all actions that nullify fastingfrom the dawn till sunset. 
Fast priority 

Among the priorities of fasting are as follows: 
1. Fasting is a shield from a variety of desires. 

2. Fasting is special before God, because all prayers are for the benefit of a servant except fasting, so that He himself will return it. 
3. Those who fast in good faith to enter heaven through a special door called Al-Rayyaan. 

4. Among the simple prayer is a prayer granted by God who is fasting to break him, or on the break. 

5. From jasmaniyah side, fasting is trying to maintain healthy body. 

Diversity Fast 

Fasting is distinguished on the mass, which tathawwu, unlawful, and that makrooh. 
Fasting is obligatory is the fasting of Ramadan, the fasting kaffarat, and fast nadzar. 

Tathawwu fast 'is the fast of David (ie, breaking the fast a day and a day), Monday and Thursday fasting, fasting three days each month (ie the Ayyamul Biidh: the week of 13, 14, 15 every month qamariyah) = Abu Al-Ghifari DZAR said: 
He's commanded us to fast three days in a month, which is in ayyamul bidh: 13 th, 14th, and 15th of each month. He said that fast (if done every month) as fast over the years). An HR-Naša-i, and Ibn Hibban dishahihkan., Fasting six days in the month Syawwal, fasting on the day of Arafat is not berhaji, eight days in the month of fasting Dzulhijjah, fast Taasuu-aa '(9th of Muharram) and fast' Aasyuuraa '(10 Muharram), fasting during the months of Muharram which is illegal, Rajab, Dzulqa'dah, and Dzulhijjah, fasting in the month of Sha'ban, fasting during the day when no food. 

Fasting is prohibited (haram) is the sunnah of the fasting of a woman without her permission, while her husband was present, the fast on syakk (which is doubtful), fasting on the day of 'Id (good' Idul Separated or 'Eid Adhha), fasting during the days Tasyriq 
(ie 11, 12, and 13 Dzulhijjah), fast women are haidh or childbed, fast wishal (day and night as well), very fast dikhuatirkan will cause destruction of the perpetrator. 

While fasting is fasting makruh specific Friday or Saturday and Dahr fast (fast each day). 

Fasting conditions 

Wajibnya fasting conditions are: 
• Islam - those who disbelieve not fast. 
• Up to age - children who are not yet age is not fast enough. 
• Sanity (sane) who is not crazy fast. 
• Authorities (able) to fast - the dangerous illness, the elderly poor and not fast. 
• residing - who are on a journey (journey) for more than two marhalah not obliged to fast, but must mengqada'nya the other day. 

As for fasting conditions are: 

• Islam - fasting is not the unbelievers and the apostates. 
• Sanity or mumaiyiz - not fasting person feeling lost or not mumaiyiz. 
• Purification of childbed haidh and fasting during the day. 
• intention every night. 
• Refrain from all that invalidate the fast. 
• On the day of fasting - fasting is not forbidden to fast on that day. 

Sunnah-Sunnah Fasting 
1. Eating shortly before dawn (between the middle of the night until the dawn) and mengakhirkannya is the main energetic 
2. Accelerate break 
3. Fasting and praying for a break at 
4. To feed the fasting 
5. Keep all members of the body of sin 
6. A lot of charity and kindness to people 
7. Washing dirt (because junub, from haidh holy, holy of childbed) before the publication of the Dawn 
8. Many read the Qur'an accompanied tadabbur, and knowledge learned during the religious month of Ramadan (and continued in other months) 
9. Increasing worship, especially with beriktikaf in the last ten days of Ramadan 
10. Do qiyamul Lail (qiyam Ramadhan) for the month of Ramadhan 
Fast Batalnya 

1. Eating and drinking 
2. Inclusion of an outward into the stomach through the body cavity 
3. Vomiting intentionally 
4. Haidh, childbed, or produce 
5. Masturbation (istimna ') 
6. Apostasy 
7. Jima '(relating to sex): Kafarahnya is freed slave, or fasting two consecutive months, or feed 60 poor people. 

Things that enabled During Fasting 
1. Pour water into the body or to embed themselves into the water 
2. Bercelak, wash eyes with water, or enter any of the eyelids 
3. CUPPING, except if it would weaken the ruling makruh dibekam. 
4. Gargle, mouthwash (madhmadhah) or cleaning the nose with water (istinsyaq), unless the ruling makruh excessive. 
5. Taste of food in small, not up to the throat. 
6. That morning in junub 
7. Women who cut off the blood before shubuh nifasnya haidh or tub may be ending at shubuh. 
Intention for Fasting and compensatory ritual 'Ramadhan Fasting 

Holy faith obligatory fast of Ramadan: 

نويت صوم غد عن أداء فرض شهررمضان هذه السنة لله تعالى 

Meaning: Only the next day I meet obligatory fast of Ramadan this year because of God Almighty. 

Pronouncement of the intention of fasting Qhada 'Ramadhan: 
عن قضاء فرض رمضان لله تعالى نويت صوم غد 

Meaning: Only because I am fasting tomorrow instead obligatory Ramadan because Allah Almighty. 
Prayer When Breaking Fast 

اللهم لك صمت وبك آمنت وعلى رزقك أفطرت برحمتك ياأرحم الراحمين

Meaning: O my Lord and fasting because of all I believe and I am with you on a journey with compassion, I rezekimu kasihanmu O Allah the most merciful. 
Breaking possible reasons 

First. Travel (long travel): must compensatory ritual ' 
II. Pain: required compensatory ritual. If the pain does not expect the recovery does not need to compensatory ritual ', but enough to pay redemption. 

Third. Pregnancy: debated replacement 
Fourth. Breastfeeding: at issue replacement 

For women who are pregnant or breastfeeding: 
If the fear of his own time: mandatory compensatory ritual 'only 

If the fear of her time: 
• by jumhur: mandatory compensatory ritual 'only 
• According to Imam Syafi'i: mandatory compensatory ritual and redemption 

If you fear for himself and his son: 
• according to Ibn Umar and Ibn Abbas: it must pay a redemption 
• According to Imam Syafi'i: mandatory compensatory ritual 'only 

Fifth. Elderly: should pay redemption 

Sixth. The very hungry or thirsty: mandatory compensatory ritual ' 

Seventh. Compulsion: compulsory compensatory ritual ' 
Description: To pay redemption means to feed a poor person of the day to leave fast. Magnitude is a redemption pursuant jumhur Mudd, whereas according to the half-Sha Hanafiyah. 

Late compensatory ritual 'fast: 
• If less compensatory ritual 'fasting month of Ramadan comes to others, should be a redemption secupak every day of fasting, and if two years later, over two times Ramadan, should berfidyah of two cup and so on in addition to compulsory mengqadha' fast 
People who die before compensatory ritual 'fast: 
• The Ramadan fast with a lapse due to illness or travel, and he died before mengqadha'nya, optional followed by a compensatory ritual or redemption, and not guilty. 
• If a person dies before mengqadha 'fast with no excuse, then folk should mengqadha'kannya or issuing redemption secupak every day fast.
• flirt fast: To secupak human food (in our country - rice) for each day of fasting that was left, to the poor