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Monday, October 17, 2011

Woman in the Qur' - This site is based on the works of Harun Yahya


We made everything on Earth adornment for it
so that We could test them to see whose actions are the best.
(Surat al-Kahf: 7)

Every soul will taste death. We test you with
both good and evil as a trial. And you will be returned to Us.
(Surat al-Anbiya': 35)

In the above verses, Allah reveals that He tests men and women
so that they can show who is better. In another verse, He says that
He will test men and women with various trials until the day they
die, and that those who show patience will be rewarded with His

We will test you with a certain amount of fear
and hunger, as well as loss of wealth, life, and fruits. But give
good news to the steadfast. (Surat al-Baqara: 155)

Allah gave each man and woman a fixed number of years, holds them
both responsible for their choices, gave them a sense of right and
wrong, and made their base instincts and Satan their enemies. And
whoever shows strength of character and works for good in the face
of these realities here on Earth will receive the best rewards from
Allah in both worlds:

I will not let the deeds of any doer among you
go to waste, male or female-you are both the same in that respect.
Those who have left their homes and were driven from their homes,
and [who] suffered harm in My Way and fought and were killed,
I will erase their bad actions and admit them into Gardens with
rivers flowing under them, as a reward from Allah. The best of
all rewards is with Allah. (Surah Al 'Imran: 195)

He also reminds men and women that no one will be treated unjustly
as regards the rewards they are to receive on Earth as well as in
the Hereafter: "Anyone who acts rightly, male
or female, being a believer, We will give them a good life and will
recompense them according to the best of what they did"
an-Nahl: 97).

The Qur'an Addresses Men
and Women in the Same Manner

Looking at the Qur'an in general, we see that men and women are
addressed in the same manner. This is yet another indication that
Allah is concerned only with a person's true and heart-felt belief
and not his or her age or gender. In this respect, the Qur'an addresses
men and women together and reminds them that they have the same
responsibilities. There are many such verses, among them: "Anyone,
male or female, who does right actions and believes, will enter
the Garden. They will not be wronged by so much as the tiniest speck"
(Surat an-Nisa: 124).

Another verse in which Allah addresses men and women together is
given below:

Whoever does an evil act will only be repaid
with its equivalent. But whoever acts rightly, male or female,
being a believer, such a person will enter the Garden, wherein
they will be provided for without any reckoning. (Surah Ghafir:

When revealing things about unbelievers, Allah also addresses them
in the same manner. He reveals that unbelievers and hypocrites of
both genders will be treated alike. For example:

The men and women of the hypocrites are as bad
as one another. They command what is wrong and forbid what is
right, and they keep their fists tightly closed. They have forgotten
Allah, so He has forgotten them. The hypocrites are deviators.
(Surat at-Tawba: 67)

Allah has promised the men and women of the hypocrites
and unbelievers the Fire of Hell, remaining in it timelessly,
forever. It will suffice them. Allah has cursed them. They will
have an everlasting punishment. (Surat at-Tawba: 68)

This was so that Allah might punish hypocritical
men and women as well as the associating men and women-those who
think bad thoughts about Allah, and turn toward the men and women
of the believers. Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (Surat
al-Ahzab: 73)

And so that He might punish hypocritical men
and women as well as associating men and women-those who think
bad thoughts about Allah. They will suffer an evil turn of fate.
Allah is angry with them, has cursed them, and prepared Hell for
them. What an evil destination! (Surat al-Fath: 6)

As these verses make clear, men and women are equal in their trial
on Earth as well as in the reward they receive in the Hereafter.

From learning Quran online Blog 

And important note that we want to discuss and share with you it is about Quran reading and doing Quran recitation online to understand it, Ramadan is the month when the beautiful the Holy Quran has been revealed.  A miracle by the creator of the worlds, Allah (SWT)  Should we not glorify him by reading quran the gift he has sent down for us and learn Arabic Quran by heart  to feel the power of it and we as Muslim should try to learn quran with translation to understand it  wile we do Quran memorization and let our heart fill will tears of glory and wash away our sins in the month of Ramadan many people teach quran  and we should participate in teaching quran as much as we could because it is the noble cause to spread the word of Allah and the quran tutor will get the reword in the day of judgment “Will they not meditate on the Quran, or are there locks on the hearts”, Quran for kids , Surah Muhammad, Verse 24. Here is an interesting tajweed quran reciter where you can listen to quran from top Koran reciters and read the Koran with different translation and plz link to it and share it to promote islam

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